GOP Rep. Walsh Melts Down At Meeting With Constituents [Video]

Republican Rep. Joe Walsh lost his cool at a meeting with his constituents on Sunday, screaming at attendees who dared to ask him about the banking industry and its lobbyists.

Walsh — a Tea Party favorite who presents himself as a right wing populist — flew off the handle when a constituent asked him about the staggering amount of bank lobbyists who end up working in Congress and for financial regulatory agencies.

“Don’t blame the banks!” Walsh screamed. “Don’t blame the marketplace for the mess we’re in right now! I am tired of hearing that crap! That pisses me off!”

When several constituents continued questioning him, Walsh waved his finger in their faces and threatened to kick them out of the meeting.

Video of Walsh’s melt down is below:

This is the second time in a week that Walsh’s erratic behavior has grabbed headlines. Last Friday, Walsh won an award from the Family Research Council for “unwavering support of the family” despite owing his ex-wife over $100,000 in child support.

Think Progress has a full transcript of Walsh’s rant:

WALSH: That’s not the problem! The problem is you’ve got to be consistent. And I don’t want government meddling in the marketplace. Yeah, they move from Goldman Sachs to the White House, I understand all of that. But you gotta’ be consistent. And it’s not the private marketplace that created this mess. What created mess was your government, which has demanded for years that everybody be in a home. And we’ve made it easy as possible for people to be in homes. […] Don’t blame banks, and don’t blame the marketplace for the mess we’re in right now! I am tired of hearing that crap! This pisses me off! Too many people don’t listen. […]

WALSH: Quiet for a minute! Quiet for a minute!

CONSTITUENT: Joe, what did I say–

WALSH: Quiet for a minute or I’m going to ask you to leave. You need to listen, or I’m going to ask you to leave.


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